LORRIE Louise (Angelo) HORNING
• Community Arts
Inducted: 2018
Deceased: 2020
LORRIE Louise (Angelo) HORNING
Lorrie Horning is best known as the founder of Alaska Junior Theater (1981) which was just one year after she and her family, two young boys and husband, moved to Anchorage. AJT was a grassroots effort started at Horning’s kitchen table, and three years later was recognized with an award by the Children’s Theater of America. It continues to thrive serving an audience of nearly a million parents and students over time.
Born and raised in Vancouver, Washington, the oldest of four children she married (1965) Morris Horning, who she had known since they were 10-year old neighbors. Her education consists of a BA, Education, l964, Marylhurst University, Portland and a Masters, Education, 1984, Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage. She began her teaching career in Bellevue, Washington.
Horning has created other, non-theater related entities. While serving as Anchorage Medical Auxiliary President, she developed and organized an infant car seat loaner program, PECABU (Protect Every Child And Buckle Up) (1984). This program operated out of Providence Hospital and Alaska Humana Hospital, making infant seat restraints readily and inexpensively available to newborns.
Horning developed the program The Wish List, a 40-page booklet containing the wishes and specific needs of over 70 Anchorage non-profit organizations. It continued to be published for 13 years. She received the Anchorage Association of Volunteer Administrators Volunteer Award for this project. The Wish List was recognized by the National American Medical Association Alliance.
The awards she has received are many and include: Alaska Women of Achievement,1990; Distinguished Volunteer Award, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Pacific NW Division,1984; Alaska First Lady Volunteer Awards, 1982-84 &1985.
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